What Happened?
He was born a babe — as innocent as all such acorns of flesh and blood are — which spring forth and was lovingly cuddled, dutifully nurtured, and fiercely protected. There …
He was born a babe — as innocent as all such acorns of flesh and blood are — which spring forth and was lovingly cuddled, dutifully nurtured, and fiercely protected. There …
Recently there has been increased awareness and accordingly increased public discourse about “violence against women”. The truth is nothing has changed. An under-educated, homophobic society enslaved by the Christian Church is …
The COVID-19 vaccine is here and is being distributed even though there are some appointment and distribution snags. I urge you to register as soon as you can. Remember that the …
Today I would like to introduce some personal thoughts that could be among factors affecting Jamaica and our performance, potential, and attitudes related to the failing or at best very low …
“Low, stable and predictable inflation is to the economy what the baseline is to reggae,” declares the voice over Tarrus Riley’s Gimme Likkle One Drop take-off. “High inflation is a wicked …
Jamaicans are gushing uncontrollably over President Joe’s inauguration. Why the unconditional excitement? Apart from welcoming a new world leader as courtesy demands exactly what has his inauguration to do with Jamaica’s future? …
Jamaica’s manufacturing has, for decades, been anaemic. As a former plantation colony, we were never truly blessed with much manufacturing when independence was won in the 60s, and the ensuing decades …
2020 has been such a stressful year that I appreciate those who tried to make light of it with witty maxims. My personal favourite is “I did not enjoy 2020 so …
Note to Readers: This essay on dub was originally published in a longer form in PREE. I was happy to oblige when the editors of Public Opinion asked me to consider …
Sometimes important facts are forgotten due to failing memories; no memories having not been aware in the first instance; not being born; not reading; or being victims of our discontinuation of …