Mass Weddings – Mary Morris Knibb
In the 1940s and 1950s mass weddings constituted a campaign to reduce high rates of illegitimacy and were spectacular public rites of accessing citizenship. These weddings were attended by prominent public …
In the 1940s and 1950s mass weddings constituted a campaign to reduce high rates of illegitimacy and were spectacular public rites of accessing citizenship. These weddings were attended by prominent public …
By the time you read this, general election results would be known and I have no way of knowing the results as I am writing on the day after the final …
” A people without the knowledge of its history, origin and culture, is like a tree without roots.” Marcus Garvey. August is the birth month of Jamaica’s first National Hero, Right Excellent …
Jamaica this year is 58. The journey to this milestone was a hard one but, in the end, independence was achieved. On August 6, 1962, Jamaica waved goodbye to the centuries …
Fifteen or so years ago, our daughter had a lovely black Labrador Retriever, “Tango”. Despite profuse and heartfelt promises that she would feed and walk her, in practical reality, Daddy did. …
In light of the sudden and rapid spiral in coronavirus cases recently in Jamaica, some people have been quick to try and make it into a political issue, claiming the Government …
This year’s observation of Emancipation and Independence, led to reflection on an important question which is often asked of Jamaicans. Does racism exist in Jamaica? The immediate response has …
The month of August marks the centenary for one of the most remarkable human rights declarations prepared by international civil society during the 20th century: The Declaration of Rights of the …
CARICOM and a united Caribbean has always been viewed with scepticism. Seen by some as a mere talking shop and by others as a grand idea which history shows cannot be …
Of course it will. But this begs another question: Why should civilization which, following the very nature of creation is subject to the laws of evolution and decay, be preserved in …