Law and disorder – Another example of U.S. constitutional madness

“If one really wishes to know how justice is administered in a country, one does not question the policemen, the lawyers, the judges, or the protected members of the middle class. …

What is China?

This is the question of the age which is currently on the minds of university professors, politicians, industrialists, and citizens, especially in the third world. The question is as follows: Is …


  Horses wear blinders, called blinkers, so that they will not get spooked when they go into high density areas or traffic. When people wear self-proclaimed blinders they do so to …

Old Men

Throughout the world, old men, and even a sprinkling of young, old minded men, like nurturing mother’s, have suckled young men on the rancid ‘milk’ of hate, prejudice, fear, and greed, …