Crime plans and crime stats
Is the crime plan working? This is an interesting question, given we have, after some delay, got the crime plan long spoken of by the PM. To no one’s surprise, the …
Is the crime plan working? This is an interesting question, given we have, after some delay, got the crime plan long spoken of by the PM. To no one’s surprise, the …
The term lynching is an extrajudicial one which refers to the killing of one or more individuals by a group of individuals. It is most often used to characterize informal public …
Jamaica is lurching into the new world order. Rather than greeting it with open eyes and clarity in order to play the brilliant hand they have been dealt our leaders, — …
Is it because the USA has such powerful weapons why so may of its citizens behave as if they are entitled? This pervasive air of entitlement is constantly being massaged by …
It was Sir Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister during the World War II era, who said: “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. If he …
The saying on the streets is that blood money runs the country. That view is so popular that it became the title of a hit song. The Jamaican economy has been …
The Jamaican middle class remains its worst enemy, and the more one looks at it, the more one realises that nothing positive will come from it. That the middle class has …
“Without courage all other virtues lose their meaning.” Sir Winston Churchill There was an unexpected scandal in the Senate last night. The scandal was not that the Government did not get …
The announcement by the Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) that it has increased interest rates in an effort to control inflation has raised eyebrows and initiated discussion among the public who are …
The need, the will, and the ability to understand are embedded in human DNA. Indeed, it is the distinguishing quality of humanness. Many people, though, would wish that understanding be reduced …