Law and disorder – Another example of U.S. constitutional madness

“If one really wishes to know how justice is administered in a country, one does not question the policemen, the lawyers, the judges, or the protected members of the middle class. …

Violence Against Women

Recently there has been increased awareness and accordingly increased public discourse about “violence against women”. The truth is nothing has changed. An under-educated, homophobic society enslaved by the Christian Church is …

Everybody’s Buddy!

Jamaicans are gushing uncontrollably over President Joe’s inauguration. Why the unconditional excitement? Apart from welcoming a new world leader as courtesy demands exactly what has his inauguration to do with Jamaica’s future? …


Once again Jamaicans must listen to regular bleating from MPs about their “low” salaries. Robert “Chicken Feed” Pickersgill called it chicken feed. Yet so many politicians contest run-offs in order to …