New perspectives on post-COVID education
It is axiomatic that the novel coronavirus pandemic has up-ended teaching and learning as we know it, not only in Jamaica, but in the world. Face-to-face classes have been abandoned for …
It is axiomatic that the novel coronavirus pandemic has up-ended teaching and learning as we know it, not only in Jamaica, but in the world. Face-to-face classes have been abandoned for …
Since the pandemic has encouraged two new cottage industries, sleeping and eating, it might be time to deal with both from a horseracing perspective. First up: weight – the most over-rated …
The body in charge of school sports (ISSA) has announced through its president that it will continue the preparation for school sports until the Government advises it differently. ISSA has also …
I am bemused, as no doubt are the scientists who were taken by surprise by the coronavirus. For it seems clear now that they overreacted. Don’t get me wrong, I am …
So, I have long been of the opinion that “Social Media” is, more often than not, not very social after all. I cringe at some of the things I read and …
The world is about to become embroiled in what will surely be a vital social experiment. As countries around the globe open up their communities, how will humanity respond? Will there …
So, it’s COVID “season” and what has now become seasoned and percolating is this term “fully dunce” that has been going around in the Jamaican space. So, let’s unpack this a …
My wife and I, each year, normally take a long vacation to the Southern Hemisphere during its summer months. However, this year we thought we would change and visit southern Europe, …