The title of this may seem overly dramatic. The enemy of the World cannot be anything but hyperbolic. Sure, I can hear you say, these countries have done wrong, but which country has not? Are these countries any more evil than other countries, or do I find myself exaggerating, especially if we look at the good they have given the world?
While all countries do commit terrible acts —some of which do have the potential to do great harm to the world — none have the ability to, or have acted on that ability to hold the world at ransom or even actively work to destroy it.
It is no exaggeration to call the West the greatest threat to the world as their actions back up that claim.
This is seen in one of the major topics of the day — global warming. The political West has deliberately chosen to put the world at risk of heating beyond breaking point simply because they do not like the fact that the Chinese electric vehicle, solar panel, and battery production outstrips their capabilities combined. Rather than welcome this and make use of cheap available green technology, sanctions have been imposed restricting or completely banning the trade of these goods.
At a time when records for the hottest days are being broken consecutively, this is the action they have chosen to take. As countries face increased threats from climate change such as stronger and more frequent hurricanes these countries turn the screw making it harder to move away from fossil fuels.
But the actions and danger those actions put us in only get worse. For over a year we have seen Israel commit open genocide in Gaza, now expanded to the West Bank, and the political West has provided cover for this atrocity at every step of the way. As Israel increases its slaughter of the Palestinian people, western countries have sought to supply them with arms while also defending them from accusations of genocide in international forums.
Even as Israel looks to expand the scope of its assault to a general war in West Asia by assassinating leaders on foreign territory, bombing consulates, and shelling neighbouring countries, the political West turns a blind eye knowing full well Israel has sworn to use its nuclear arsenal if the countries it has been antagonising attacks it.
Despite multiple statements that the actions taken by Israel, and the full-throated defence of that country put the idea of international law at risk of becoming meaningless, the most powerful bloc, the political West, has done everything in its power to back Israel to the hilt. It has also gone the extra mile by clamping down on people both within and outside the Western countries who have expressed opposition to the Israeli slaughter and the Western backing of the slaughter.
The political West’s actions in Russia have also shown it to be the greatest enemy to world security and stability. Whatever one thinks of the Russian actions it is now beyond the point of denial that the Western countries were offered multiple off-ramps. Western media confirmed Russia was willing to not invade if Ukraine stayed out of NATO and the military bloc sought to roll back from the Russian border, but they were ignored. Western media confirms a peace deal was within touching distance in 2022 only to be torpedoed by Western governments.
The political West is holding the world as hostages to its fantasies of breaking up Russia when in truth what it would mean were Russia to lose the war, as spelt out by the West’s own war games and the CIA, Russia would launch nuclear weapons. In this case, it would be relegated to Ukraine but would then spread to as many Western capitals before their dismemberment when Western countries respond in kind.
The sword of Damocles hangs over our heads and at any minute the cord could be cut, cleaving the world, bringing levels of destruction not seen in our lifetimes, and rather than tone down the rhetoric or seek a negotiated settlement we have instead been left in a world where the West seeks to place nukes back in Europe while Russia seeks to revise its nuclear policy in response.
The political West lurches back to fascism as it seeks to maintain pole position and rather than actively work against the looming threat, we see it pandering to them as is the case in France, the UK, Germany, and the US. With growing acceptance by the centre, we see the ramping up of restrictions against immigrants, the contravening of their own council of human rights and a more hostile environment towards workers and the poor in general.
In the UK, for example, they would rather cut heating benefits for the poor and elderly rather than end the senseless war in Ukraine or the slaughter in Gaza, both of which are impacting oil and gas prices. In Germany and France, rather than address the root causes of immigration from — namely the colonial economic policy in Africa and the wars in West Asia — we see them empower despots to keep would-be migrants trapped in their coastal nations like Tunisia and Libya.
The United States is clear for all to see. With their lust for war and global supremacy through destabilisation, it is difficult to tell where Kamala Harris’ foreign policy ends and Trump’s foreign policy begins. With the Democratic party now welcoming people like Dick Cheney and Bill Kristol, it is obvious that their issue with Trump was not the fascism he was inaugurating, rather it was the tone it was presented in that was the issue. They continue to prop up elements of the far right in Latin America and the Caribbean as they attempt to retain hegemony in the region and turn blind eyes to the atrocities, corruption and theft conducted by these compradors.
It is obvious that the political West today is at its weakest since the collapse of the USSR and as it attempts to retain its hegemonic status it threatens to destroy the world if it cannot be number one. They allege that the countries making up the new world order pose threats to international stability and the rule of law. That is poppycock and all that is threatened is their dominance and role as exploiters of the world, something which they have even admitted.
We cannot allow ourselves to be swayed by their admittedly good propaganda masked in the forms of music, movies, TV and books. We must realise that the West, ever since Columbus and Da Gama sailed for the Spanish and Portuguese into the Americas and Asia, have been the threat to humanity. With the world changing and them at risk of losing pole position they are at their most dangerous. The fear of the big stick cannot force us to remain silent, they must be called out and a better world fought for or else we will all go down in the flames of their making.