If the new Mayor of Kingston Andrew Swaby carries through on half of the promises he has made to residents of Westlake Avenue in Richmond Park, it will not only be a breath of fresh air in that it would indicate that he is serious about maintaining law and order at the municipality, but also a signal that he is not like many who have preceded him there!

To jog your memory, residents in that section of the beleaguered community of Richmond Park protested in late July against a commercial operation which had started construction of a site there to establish a car dealership.

As a result of the residents’ action, on the 31st July 2025, the KSAMC, issued a stop order against the miscreant.

The commercialization of residential areas, foremost in places such as Richmond Park, Eastwood Park and Bedford Park, has been a long-standing problem for homeowners in those areas.

And regardless of who has led the KSAMC (by any other name) nothing has been done to stop the illegal practice so far.

It is not that homeowners in these areas are bad minded or even anti-capitalist, but the irrefutable fact is that commercial activity in residential areas causes the property value to depreciate.

It also causes great discomfort for the homeowners as it destroys the roads and leads to increased crime. For the roads in residential areas were never built sturdy enough to withstand the ravages of commercial traffic and when businesses set up in an area, it is impossible for even the most vigilant residents or even community monitoring groups to keep an eye on those coming in and out, hence crime inevitably increases.

I am speaking as one who had to live with that problem for decades despite the numerous complaints to the KSAC, demonstrations etc. For as the first operator to destroy our area said when we told him he would have to cease and desist, “money talk”.

And because money talks and corruption has always been rampant at KSAC, not only has that business prospered untouched for many decades, but also, others seeing that they could get away with it also moved in until we were totally overwhelmed.

At Bedford Park, added to the problem that corruption enabled (and most likely sections of Eastwood Park and Richmond Park as well), there was also the political element. For lo and behold, one of the main law breakers was a close friend of one of our prime ministers, who was a frequent visitor to parties at his premises.

So, the destruction of our once quiet residential area escalated.

I am therefore watching with interest to see if Mayor Andrew Swaby will just be another political blower of hot air, or if the laws will finally be enforced by the KSAMC, so the residents of Westlake Avenue and other residential areas can finally achieve their rights to the peaceful enjoyment of their homes.

Only time will tell if it is only bribes that can drive action at the KSAMC or if under Andrew Swaby it will be the laws that do.

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